Newborn Gift Ideas for Grandparents

Thoughtful Presents for the Newest Family Member

by Coterie Team

As grandparents, you are going to be key figures in your grandchild’s life, regardless of if you live around the corner or on the other side of the country. However, figuring out what to give a young family to welcome the baby's arrival can be challenging. After all, parenting has changed a lot since you were in throes of it.

As you peruse our suggestions for newborn gifts, keep in mind that some may end up at your house. This is not because the parents don’t appreciate your thoughtfulness, but because it’s also important that your house be well-equipped for when the young family comes to visit.

Practical Gifts

A handmade basket filled with baby essentials is a simple but appreciated gift. Consider stuffing it with travel-sized essentials, a toy or two, pacifiers, a baby monitor, or high-performing diapers made of plant-based materials from Coterie for the baby's comfort and wellbeing.

Because babies are skilled at making all kinds of messes, it’s always wise to have a couple extra outfits and pajamas around. There are also several baby-specific laundry detergents and stain removers you’ll be glad you have when things go awry.

Stayover Essentials

Part of the joy of being grandparents is having your grandchild come for a visit. Even if it is only for a few hours, newborns like to sleep, and you should be prepared.

If you have enough room, a crib always comes in handy. Alternatively, a lightweight travel crib or bassinet is easy to set up and tuck away until the next visit.

Gifts for the Next Baby Phase

New parents often receive a lot of items for the newborn phase and not as many for the months and years to come. The newborn phase is generally considered to be from birth through two months. The term ‘infant’ is used to describe the time between birth and one year.

Help them plan ahead for the infant stage, which will be here before you know it. Highchairs, bouncers, strollers, a changing table, and a sound machine for sleep are welcome gifts for any new parent. A stash of diapers (current size and next size up), diaper rash cream, and wipes are always a hit.

The Gift of Time, Only as Needed or Wanted

The early days of parenthood can be extremely overwhelming. It is hard for anyone to imagine how such a little person can take over your life, making even the smallest tasks seem impossible to manage.

Here are a few things you can do that might not be glamorous but will go a long way towards making the parents’ lives a little easier:

  • Stock the house with basics like toilet paper, toiletries, and meals that are easy to reheat.
  • Do their laundry.
  • Hire a cleaning crew.
  • Run their errands.
  • Arrange a meal or grocery delivery service.
  • Watch the baby so they can shower or take a nap.

A quick word of warning–don’t let your best intentions create more stress. Try to avoid giving advice unless the parents ask for it. Remember that just about everything that has to do with newborn care and development has changed since you were a parent. Also, make sure to text or call before popping over to make sure the parents and the newborn are up for a visit.

Appropriate Grandparenting

Giving a meaningful newborn gift is just the first step to being an involved grandparent–remember there will be plenty of time in the future to bond with the baby. Of course, any new parent’s job will feel easier with Coterie’s Newborn Gift–a set of our top-quality wipes, diapers, and a few extras for a special touch!