After How Many Hours Should a Diaper Be Changed?

From Newborn to Toddler, Mastering the Art of Diaper Changes

by Coterie Team

*This article does not provide medical advice. The information on site is for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician, your child’s pediatrician, or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding your or your child’s health.

As a parent, keeping your baby healthy is your number one priority. Part of that is safeguarding your baby’s hygiene, and a clean diaper is essential to preventing rashes and discomfort.

Many new parents struggle to understand when the right time to change their child’s diaper may be. Changing too often is not only wasteful, but can be stressful–this is especially true if your child does not like having their diaper changed or is fussy.

Newborn to Five Months

Newborn diapers require more frequent changes. In the beginning, you should aim to change your child's diaper every two to three hours. Ideally, you’ll want to change the newborn's diaper somewhere between eight and twelve times a day–a baby at this age has no muscle control whatsoever when it comes to their digestive processes. Secondly, frequent feeding times mean that what goes in must come out. While this may seem like a lot, it will quickly lessen as the child grows.

Small amounts of wetness aren’t a problem. A diaper that is slightly damp is nothing to worry about, but you’ll want to change the child's diaper after they have soiled themselves or if there is a noticeable weight to the diaper because of liquids. As the months go by, you’ll need to change the diaper less.

Six Months and Up

Once a child reaches six months old, they should be down to five to eight diaper changes a day, or around every four hours. This is thanks to enhanced muscle control, allowing your child to hold it for longer before they need to go. While they still don’t understand what is happening or why, their body develops quicker than their minds. This is when life gets much easier for many parents.

At this stage, you’ll have gotten the hang of your child’s schedule and will know when your baby needs to be changed. Sudden mood changes, irritability, and your olfactory senses will also let you know that it is time.

Around the six month mark is when your child’s feeding schedule becomes more regular and you might start introducing solid foods. This means less nighttime feeding and more time sleeping for both of you.

The predictability of feeding also leads to more predictability around diaper changes. You can expect your child to need their diaper changed within one hour of feeding time, as their body makes room for the food and drink they just ingested. For some children, it is immediately after eating and for others, it may be a few hours.

Keeping Your Child Comfortable

Preventing irritation is not only about keeping a diaper clean. It is also about ensuring your child's diaper fits properly and is made from high-quality materials. Poorly fitted diapers or diapers constructed with the use of chemicals can lead to irritation.

Thankfully, Coterie diapers are made with your child's comfort in mind. Our diapers come in seven different sizes, so you can always choose the size that is the perfect fit for your little one. We also offer a baby diaper sizing guide.

Furthermore, all of our products are free of fragrance, dyes, parabens, chlorine, latex, and lotion, which further helps reduce the risk of irritation. You can expect a high standard of performance from Coterie diapers.

Planning Ahead

Many parents wonder if a diaper subscription is worth it. It isn’t only about money, but also saving time and ensuring a proper fit!

By choosing to use our diaper subscription service, you’ll have brand new diapers delivered regularly on a schedule that works for you. If you notice your child is growing, simply upgrade the size for your next delivery, and say goodbye to ill-fitting, poor-quality diapers for good.